For everyone's benefit
We are interested in comments and topics that promote the exchange of ideas and are relevant. Criticism and contrary opinions are welcome, as long as they are not offensive. Commentators are legally responsible for what they write. We try to ensure that the people who want to participate are real and that they don't hide behind false identities.
> Check what is not allowed:
- Prohibited source content (dubious sites with suspicious links);
- False news or without a source to prove it. It is mandatory to put the link from where the information was taken and give credits in the topic;
- Comment on the post content disconnected with the subject addressed in the topic;
- Insults and/or insults;
- Exposure of a user's photos without their prior authorization.
- Posts of images with violence and the like without spoiler;
- Pornographic content is only allowed in the Very Pleasure session;
- Insults and offenses against disorders, disabilities and/or appearance of a user;
- Comments and sharing of content with a biased/discriminatory character regarding culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and/or religion/religious doctrine;
- Bullying and/or recurring harassment of a user;
- Dual account or account sharing without justifiable reason;
- Sharing of underage sexual content or comments encouraging this practice;
- Sharing rape and harassment content or comments encouraging this practice;
> Any content that violates the rules set forth herein will be subject to deletion.
> As it is impossible to have a regulation covering all possible topics, in cases of seriousness and relevant subjectivity that deviate from the behaviors explained here, the team will discuss internally and analyze the measures to be taken in the case.
> Remember to use the "Talk to Moderation" forum to ask for help. As soon as a moderator or administrator is available, he will provide all the assistance needed.
Sanctions and general provisions
> foresqua is a forum and therefore it is not possible to keep track of every post and topic published in real time. Any type of content, whether by post, message, profile, etc., that causes discomfort and/or does not comply with the forum rules must be reported.
> In case of inappropriate behavior in topics, the "Report" tool is used to request help from moderation.
> We don't delete accounts
> Foresqua is not responsible for the opinions and comments of forum users. The content of each message is the sole and exclusive civil and criminal liability of the person who sent it.
> Foresqua is not responsible for the content of text, image, audio and video messages exchanged in chat rooms and webcam chat rooms (BPM).
> The content of each topic is the sole and exclusive civil and criminal liability of the owner of the email used for its creation.
> Foresqua does not retain data in the case of law enforcement matters unless a valid preservation request is sent to it before the user deletes that content.
> Foresqua is not responsible for any damage allegedly arising from the use of this service and reserves the right to modify these rules of use at any time, at its sole discretion.